
Currently, the increasing expansion of Alternative healthcare facilities at all levels, with a corresponding increased demand for Qualified Homeopathic Medical Personnel.

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Certificate is awarded to Student as Homeopathic Expert after taking a series of courses in homeopathy education.

Diploma in Homeopathy education is similar to certificates, but awarded with Physician Assistants.

Bachelor Degree in Homeopathy Medicine also available for students who want to be professional Homeopaths.

The father of medicine conceives two methods of healing- by contraries and by similars.
PARACELSUS (1493-1542)
Introduces essential ideas upon which modern medicine is based. He also advocated like cures like. According to British homeopath James Compton Burnett (1840-1901), Paracelsus planted the acorn from which the mighty oak of homeopathy has grown.
He used the law of similarin his treatment. He wrote: I am convinced that disease succumbs to substances that cause similar ailments.
He founded and developed modern day homeopathy and introduced the Law of similars, Provings, potentisation, etc.
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Study in Netherlands
Degrees from the Netherlands are recognized worldwide. All institutions in the Netherlands are accredited by law, which is a first step in quality assurance.